101 Townsend Street


ClickHouse @ Bay Area Week. Meetup at Cloudflare

Registration is opened

Already have some experience with ClickHouse? Join us at Meetup, hosted by one of the most significant ClickHouse contributors – CloudFlare.

  • Watch advanced technical presentation from Percona's CEO Peter Zaitsev,
  • Discuss 'Pro' Tips with ClickHouse lead developer Alexey Midovidov,
  • Learn interesting details of how ClickHouse is used in CloudFlare


5:00 - 6:00 - Welcome reception

6:00 - Opening of the event

6:00 - 6:35 - Peter Zaitsev, "Analyzing MySQL logs with ClickHouse"

6:35 - 7:30 - Marek Vavrusa + Alexander Bocharov, "ClickHouse at Cloudflare"

7:30 - 7:40 - Coffee break

7:40 - 8:10 - Aleksei Milovidov, "ClickHouse "Pro" Tips"

8:10 - 8:30 - Q&A panel

Would you like to do a lightning talk (5-10min) on a related subject? We’d be glad to hear you. Please contact info@altinity.com with a short description.

Please register here


101 Townsend Street
27 April
101 Townsend Street

ClickHouse @ Bay Area Week. Meetup at Cloudflare

Registration is opened

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Иван Олегович
Разработчик интерфейсов
Знаток продуманных интерфейсов
Азамат Олегович
Яндекс Технологии
29 мая, 11:55
ул. Николаева, 12
Как технологии помогают купить авто, а не кота в мешке
Примерно 15 лет назад люди искали объявления о продаже машин в газетах, 10 лет назад - на сайтах, а что же сейчас?
Mon Oct 30 2023 09:48:09 GMT+0300 (Moscow Standard Time)