440 N Wolfe Rd Sunnyvale, CA 94085


ClickHouse meetup at Plug and Play Tech Center

Registration is closed

We are glad to invite you to ClickHouse Meetup at the Plug and Play Tech Center in Sunnyvale.

  • Meet the ClickHouse lead developer Alexey Milovidov
  • Learn about new features and use cases
  • Get familiar with ClickHouse in the Plug and Play Cloud
  • Watch live demo


5:30 - 6:00 - Doors open, food, drinks and networking

6:00 - 8:00 - Presentations

  1. ClickHouse Analytical DBMS. Introduction and usage (Alexander Zaitsev, Altinity)
  2. ClickHouse new features and development roadmap (Alexey Milovidov, Yandex)
  3. Lightning Talks
  4. ClickHouse in Plug and Play Cloud (Som Sikdar, Kodiak Data)

8:00 - 9:00 - Demo of ClickHouse deployed on Plug and Play Cloud, Lightning Talks, Q&A, networking

Would you like to do a lightning talk (5-10min) on a related subject? We’d be glad to hear you. Please contact info@altinity.com with a short description.

Please register here.

We are glad to invite you to ClickHouse Meetup at the Plug and Play Tech Center in Sunnyvale.


440 N Wolfe Rd Sunnyvale, CA 94085
23 April
440 N Wolfe Rd Sunnyvale, CA 94085

ClickHouse meetup at Plug and Play Tech Center

Registration is closed

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Иван Олегович
Разработчик интерфейсов
Знаток продуманных интерфейсов
Азамат Олегович
Яндекс Технологии
29 мая, 11:55
ул. Николаева, 12
Как технологии помогают купить авто, а не кота в мешке
Примерно 15 лет назад люди искали объявления о продаже машин в газетах, 10 лет назад - на сайтах, а что же сейчас?
Mon Oct 30 2023 09:35:53 GMT+0300 (Moscow Standard Time)